Twice FAQ

FAQ - Store settings

On this page

Can I block days I don't want to receive bookings for?

How to remove tax from my products?

Uploading new terms of service pdf is not updating in my online store

How to send custom transactional emails?

Can I block days I don't want to receive bookings for?

Yes! You can do this by defining your store opening hours. To block out specific dates you can add an exception for a specific date and set the store to be closed. If you would like to block bookings for only a specific product you can look into adjusting the available start times for a product or creating a manual booking from your admin to block availability for the product

How to remove tax from my products

In your tax settings create a new tax rate with 0% tax. Check out more help from our defining VAT and sales tax article

Next, in your product's settings apply the new tax rate. This can be found under the Basic information tab.

Uploading new terms of service pdf is not updating in my online store

You are able to upload your terms of service in two places: your account's general settings (Account -> General) or if you need category specific terms of service you can upload them in your category settings. The category level terms of service will override the account level terms of service, so make sure you are uploading the new file in the correct place.

How to send custom transactional emails?

To create and automatically send custom transactional emails from Twice you need to use our webhooks and an automation tool such as Zapier to connect to your preferred application (e.g. Gmail) for sending emails:

Learn about Twice webhooks

How to use Twice with Zapier