
FAQ - Product settings

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How to make a product only available on weekends?

How can I create bookable slots for a product?

Can I use GIFS for product images

Can I create subcategories for my products?

How to make a product only available on weekends?

There are two options to achieve this depending on your context. We recommend using your store opening hours if your plan is to have all your products available only on weekends. However if you only want to limit specific products then check out option 1 below.

Option 1) Limit only specific products for weekends

To have some products available during the week and only limit specific products for the weekends edit the product's start times By editing the possible start times for the product, you are able to define that only start times on weekends are available.

Option 2) Limit all your products for weekends.

Use your store opening hours to define that your shop is only open on the weekends. This will make sure all your products are only bookable on the weekends.


How can I create bookable slots for a product?

To create bookable slots for your product e.g. Morning 9 - 12, Afternoon 13 - 16 and all-day 9 - 16:

- Edit the product's start times to only have a start time at 9:00 and 13:00.

- Edit the duration options for the product to have a 3 hour and 1 day option. This can be done by editing the product's pricing.


Can I use GIFS for product images?

Yes. When uploading your product images you can upload a GIF as well. We cannot yet guarantee 100% browser support. Refer to our article about adding product images

Can I create subcategories for my products?

Subcategories are not yet available in Twice, but you are able to add a product to multiple categories. Read our article about categories: Creating & editing product categories